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近年来,已主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,湖北省自然科学基金青年项目1项,中央高校基本科研业务费项目1项,澳门所有的游戏网站大全教改项目1项,华中师范大学优秀硕博论文培育项目1项,并参与多项土地利用规划项目。在Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Pollution, Atmospheric Environment, Remote sensing, 《环境科学》、《长江流域资源与环境》等权威期刊上发表学术论文20余篇,其中1篇入选ESI1%高被引数据库受邀担任International journal of environmental research and public healthland期刊客座编辑(Guest Editor荣获夏坚白测绘优秀青年学子奖等荣誉称号。


[1] 主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目(42201031),2023-012025-12

[2] 主持,中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2662021GGQD002),2022-012024-12

[3] 主持,湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,2022-122024-12

[4] 主持,澳门所有的游戏网站大全教学改革项目,2022-122023-12


[1] He, L., Lin, A., Chen, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, Z., & He, P. (2019). Assessment of MERRA-2 surface PM2.5 over the Yangtze River Basin: Ground-based verification, spatiotemporal distribution, and meteorological dependence. Remote Sensing, 11(4), 460. (SCI,二区TOP)

[2] He, L., Liu, Y., He, P., & Zhou, H. (2019). Relationship between air pollution and urban forms: Evidence from prefecture-level cities of the Yangtze River Basin. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(18), 3459. (SSCI)

[3] He, L., Wang, L., Huang, B., Wei, J., Zhou, Z., & Zhong, Y. (2020). Anthropogenic and meteorological drivers of 1980–2016 trend in aerosol optical and radiative properties over the Yangtze River Basin. Atmospheric Environment, 223, 117188. (SCI,二区TOP)

[4] He, L., Wang, L., Lin, A., Zhang, M., Bilal, M., & Wei, J. (2018). Performance of the NPP-VIIRS and Aqua-MODIS aerosol optical depth products over the Yangtze River Basin. Remote Sensing, 10(1), 117. (SCI,二区TOPESI高被引论文)

[5] He, L., Wang, L., Lin, A., Zhang, M., Xia, X., Tao, M., & Zhou, H. (2018). What drives changes in aerosol properties over the Yangtze River Basin in past four decades?. Atmospheric Environment, 190, 269-283. (SCI,二区TOP)

[6] He, L., Wang, L., Lin, A., Zhang, M., Bilal, M., & Tao, M. (2017). Aerosol optical properties and associated direct radiative forcing over the Yangtze River Basin during 2001–2015. Remote Sensing, 9(7), 746. (SCI,二区TOP)

[7] He, L., Wang, L., Li, Z., Jiang, D., Sun, L., Liu, D., ... & Wei, J. (2021). VIIRS Environmental Data Record and Deep Blue aerosol products: Validation, comparison, and spatiotemporal variations from 2013 to 2018 in China. Atmospheric Environment, 250, 118265. (SCI,二区TOP)

[8] Zhou, Z., Lin, A., He, L*., & Wang, L. (2022). Evaluation of Various Tree-Based Ensemble Models for Estimating Solar Energy Resource Potential in Different Climatic Zones of China. Energies, 15(9), 3463. (SCI,三区)

[9] Zhou, Z., He, L*., Lin, A. (2023). Revisiting the decadal variability of solar photovoltaic resource potential in monsoon climate zone of East Asia using innovative trend analysis. Journal of Resources and Ecology, Online。(CSCD

[10] 何利杰 杜梦晴 韦晶 万庆 何培培 王伦澈. 城市群土地利用变化对PM2.5污染的影响及空间溢出效应[J].长江流域资源与环境,2023,已录用。(CSSCI

[11] 何利杰,曾菊新,杨琴,杨琳.武汉城市圈城市生活空间质量综合评价[J].河南科学,2015,33(08):1469-1474.

[12] 钟洋,林爱文,周志高,何利杰,袁沫汐.“一带一路沿线国家经济发展状况及其与人口和碳排放的关系研究(英文)[J]. Journal of Resources and Ecology,2020,11(06):539-548. (CSCD)

[13] Zhou, Z., Lin, A., Wang, L., Qin, W., Zhao, L., Sun, S., He, L., & Chen, F. (2021). Estimation of the losses in potential concentrated solar thermal power electricity production due to air pollution in China. Science of the Total Environment, 784, 147214.

[14] Zhong, Y., Lin, A., He, L., Zhou, Z., & Yuan, M. (2020). Spatiotemporal dynamics and driving forces of urban land-use expansion: A case study of the Yangtze River economic belt, China. Remote Sensing, 12(2), 287.

[15] Wei, J., Li, Z., Sun, L., Peng, Y., Liu, L., He, L., ... & Cribb, M. (2020). MODIS Collection 6.1 3 km resolution aerosol optical depth product: Global evaluation and uncertainty analysis. Atmospheric Environment, 240, 117768.

[16] Zhou, Z., Lin, A., Wang, L., Qin, W., Zhong, Y., & He, L. (2020). Trends in downward surface shortwave radiation from multi‐source data over China during 1984–2015. International Journal of Climatology, 40(7), 3467-3485.

[17] Zhou, H., Luo, Z., Tangdamrongsub, N., Wang, L., He, L., Xu, C., & Li, Q. (2017). Characterizing drought and flood events over the Yangtze River Basin using the HUST-Grace2016 solution and ancillary data. Remote Sensing, 9(11), 1100.

[18] Zhou, Z., Zhao, L., Lin, A., Qin, W., Lu, Y., Li, J., ... & He, L. (2020). Exploring the potential of deep factorization machine and various gradient boosting models in modeling daily reference evapotranspiration in China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13, 1-20.

[19] Liu, Y., He, L., Qin, W., Lin, A., & Yang, Y. (2022). The effect of urban form on PM2. 5 concentrations: Evidence from china’s 340 prefecture-level cities. Remote Sensing, 14(1), 7.

[20] Zhou, H., Luo, Z., Tangdamrongsub, N., Zhou, Z., He, L., Xu, C., ... & Wu, Y. (2018). Identifying flood events over the Poyang Lake Basin using multiple satellite remote sensing observations, hydrological models and in situ data. Remote Sensing, 10(5), 713.

[21] Wu, S., Huang, B., Wang, J., He, L., Wang, Z., Yan, Z., ... & Du, Z. (2021). Spatiotemporal mapping and assessment of daily ground NO2 concentrations in China using high-resolution TROPOMI retrievals. Environmental Pollution, 273, 116456.